Funds Management – FAQs
Is this an unlisted property trust?
Yes. Unlisted property trusts are property holdings that have been unitised in a trust structure and are not listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
How often is a distribution paid?
Distributions, if applicable, are paid on a half yearly basis in July/August and December/January each year.
Can I get a replacement tax/distribution statement?
You can access your current and past tax statements via the Statements tab (is this also in the box called Distributions & Tax?)
How do I notify a change of address or any other changes to my personal details?
Securityholders who would like change any of their details should email
Please include in your email the current details and details to be amended.
Who should I contact if I have any further questions?
Securityholders should direct their questions to:
Investor Relations Manager
Ingenia Communities
Level 3, 88 Cumberland Street
The Rocks NSW 2000
Individual requests for liquidity
Individual requests for liquidity can be made to
Purchase of securities is at Ingenia’s absolute discretion.
Ingenia has a first right over any units offered for sale.
To offer your units in the Fund for sale, you will need to formally notify Ingenia of your intention to sell and nominate a price at wish you wish to sell your units. Ingenia will consider the request and respond within 10 business days,
If Ingenia accepts to buy all units under the transfer notice, completion of the sale occurs on the 10th business day after the last day that Ingenia would be entitled to accept the offer under the transfer notice.
If Ingenia rejects or fails to accept the offer under the transfer notice, the unitholder may sell its units:
- at any time within 40 business days after the last day that Ingenia would be entitled to accept the offer under the transfer notice;
- at a price per unit not less than the price specified in the transfer notice; and
on terms no more favourable than those offered to Ingenia.